God Is Love

God Is Love

Monday, April 11, 2016

Hard Work

Shout out to Pastor Keith Battle at Zion church in Glenarden, Maryland. I get the word of God from him and I summarize it for you to get a quick message from God. You can catch his online services every Sunday, just go to http://zionchurchonline.com/ One of the messages he had was entitled "I got work to do" I'm calling it hard work. God has given everyone skills. You need to identify your skills because they are your unique anointing. It's something you do with ease that's hard for other people to do. Exodus 35:31 in the NIV reads...And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills. Once you have identified your skills you need to work hard when your in a profession that you are skilled in. You are not going to be successful without hard work. Proverbs 10:4 in the NLV reads...He who works with with a lazy hand is porr, but the hand of the hard worker brings riches. You will wind up with nothing if you don't work hard but if you work hard you will have more than you need. This is not me talking this is the word of God. Take a look at Proverbs 13:4 in the NLV...The soul of the lazy person has strong desires but gets nothing, but the soul of the one who does his best gets more than he needs. Work hard but don't over work your self, you need your rest so you can continue to work hard. Exodus 23:12 in the NLV reads...You will work six days and rest on the seventh day. So your bull and your donkey may rest. And the son of your female servant, and the stranger may get their strength again. Now I know some of us must work on the weekend, so look at the scripture you don't have to rest on a certain day, just rest on the seventh day, pick a day any day, and rest. Proverbs 23:4 in the NLV reads... Do not work hard to be rich. Stop trying to get things for yourself. Even when you work for someone who pays you you actually should be doing your work for the Lord. Colossians 3:23 reads in the NLV...Whatever work you do, do it with all your heart. Do it for the Lord and not for men. Don't work hard for money or for men work hard for the Lord. Don't chase money and let money be the focus in your life. Psalms 62:10 in the NLV reads...Don't get money in a wrong way or be proud of stolen things. If you get more riches, do not set your heart on them. Don't get caught up in schemes and get rich quick plans. Schemes don't last. Proverbs 13:11 in the NLV reads...Riches taken by false ways become less and less, but riches grow for the one who gathers by hard work. Subscribe to this channel, like it, share it, God bless. Now to Pastor Keith Battle. I heard you say during your "I got work to do" message that someone on Youtube was using your sermons. I have a feeling that you were talking about me. It's just that your sermons are so awesome & life changing I wanted to share them as a quick message that people can listen to, if there not into the whole 40 minute thing. I pray that you will give me your blessing to continue doing what I'm doing. God bless you Pastor.

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