God Is Love

God Is Love

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Jobs That Cause Stress

Most high paying jobs cause a lot of stress and fear in your life. The fear of being fired if you don't meet deadlines. Picture this, you have worked very hard on a project and you have done your absolute best, but your work is seen by your bosses as sub-par, you may be fired. You see sometimes with certain companies everyone's work is seen as sub-par, because the bosses want things to be perfect, but we as human beings are not perfect, so how can our work be perfect? Perfect? In who's eyes? The bosses? Let the boss do the work, or let his best employee do the work, then you take a look at it and I'm sure you will find imperfections. The only one who is perfect is Jesus Christ. Look, I say all this to say, when your in transition of jobs or your seeking new employment or a career think to yourself and do your research on what the bosses look for. You see I really think that there are two types of jobs or careers. Number 1. jobs, and careers, and bosses that seek perfection in which you can never achieve, they are always hiring and firing. These jobs and or careers pay the most but they come with a lot of stress and fear. Number 2. there are jobs and or careers that look for dedicated, motivated, punctual, hard working, trustworthy people who aren't perfect. These jobs pay less, ask yourself what will you give up for a next to nothing stress level job that pays less? As a believer in Christ, me personally, I would take the lower paying job with little to no stress because it's more stable. I would work that job to the best of my ability and continue to believe in God because he is the supplier of all my needs, not a job or a career. As I turn to my bible cause I gotta give you some scripture to go along with it. Phillippeans 4:19 reads; But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

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