God Is Love

God Is Love

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Free From Condemnation

We must not judge and condem each other. We are free from condemnation according to the word of God. John chapter 8 verses 3-10 tells us the story of a woman who committed adultery. Moses' law said the punishment for this sin was death by stones. So the men dragged the woman to Jesus and asked him what sayest thou? Jesus answered; he that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her. After hearing those words all the men dropped their stones and left because they knew they were sinners themselves so how could they condem the woman. Jesus told the woman I do not condem you now go and sin no more Jesus not only forgives us for our sins but he relieves us of our sins by not condeming us or making us feel guilty or unworthy. Knowing and believing that you are loved in this type of way will change your life forever.

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