God Is Love

God Is Love

Monday, February 29, 2016

Money & Materialistic Things

You see a lot and I mean a lot of rich and famous people going through the ringer every time you look up. They struggle with drug and sex addictions and are back and forth in jail for their addictions. They are trying to fill a void in their lives. They may have trouble sleeping at night because of their stressful lifestyle. They may not have peace of mind, or they may constantly condemn themselves for the things they have done. They may fear failure more than ever each day because there is so much pressure to stay on top. Whatever that void may be it cannot be filled with drugs, alcohol, money and material things. Jesus is the only one who can fill that void, and through him you will find rest and peace in your life. Yes you should always try and better yourselves, go after that good job, career, or promotion. Go after your dreams and try to make more money if you want or need to, but don't let chasing money and materialistic things consume your life, and your thoughts, keep your main focus on the Lord. Mark 8:36 says for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul.

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