God Is Love

God Is Love

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Jesus Calls Us Fools

I was reading Luke 24 verse 25 and it says, (this is Jesus talking) then he said unto them, of fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Jesus said that since we are slow t believe we are fools. I mean, he is Jesus Christ, and he is right we are fools not to believe what the prophets had prophesied about his resurrection. You may be going through frustrations in life, disappointments, stress, anxiety, and even depression, but rejoice with faith, love, hope, and understanding that by believing in him and occupying your thoughts with him instead of the disappointments, and the depression, everything will be o.k. because you are a child of God and like Jesus said, your a fool if you are slow to believe.

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